Our courses SS 2024!

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We are offering 4 new courses in SS 2024. All are relevant to “Sustainability” which is our core interest.

  • International Politics (Bachelor IBS/IES, WiWi), first class Wednesday 17.4.2024, 8:00-9:30 in Lange Gasse LG H6
  • International Politics II (Bachelor SozÖk), first class Monday 15.4.2024, 15:00-16:30 in Findelgasse FG 0.015
  • Technology Assessment, first class Wednesday 17.4.2024, 9:45-13:00 in Lange Gasse LG 5.153
  • Trade and Sustainability, first class Tuesday 16.04.2024, 9:00-12:30 in Findelgasse FG 1.036
  • Thesis Seminar Sustainable Transition Policy, first class Friday 19.04.2024, in Zoom

For the full details and link to the StudOn pages: https://www.transitionpolicy.rw.fau.de/teaching/courses/